
Brighter Looking Skin in Only One Session

Beautiful Results with Dermaplaning After Only One Session and No Recovery Time.

Exfoliation is great for the skin overall but especially on our faces. It leaves skin looking brighter, unclogs pores, and prevents breakouts, plus dramatically increases skincare products’ efficacy by boosting absorption. Cultivating a long-term exfoliation routine will increase collagen production, which creates glowing, youthful skin and fights off sagging and wrinkles. Who doesn’t want that?!


Microdermabrasion and dermaplaning are two different skin exfoliating processes. While both offer the benefits of exfoliation, they each have their own additional benefits and are better suited for each individual. However, no matter what skin type you have, it’s almost always safe to say that dermaplaning will work for you. It’s easy, painless, and won’t leave your skin red for an extended period of time. In fact, many celebrities love dermaplaning because it requires no recovery time.

Make Your Skin Care Products Work Harder, Better.

Dermaplaning may seem like the latest trend but it actually started during the 1970s. Its original use was described as a possible remedy for acne vulgaris– a type of acne caused by an excess of dead facial skin, facial bacteria, and facial oils, causing pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and cysts.


When the dead cell layer is removed, the skin underneath can breathe, hydrate, expel toxins and absorb nutrients at an optimal rate.


This form of exfoliation requires a professional aesthetician to manually scrape built-up dead skin cells off your face with a sharp surgical blade. As dead skin is scraped away, so is vellus hair or “peach fuzz”. This is beneficial because these tiny hairs cling onto dirt and oil, which cause breakouts and a dull complexion.


If your skin has lost its glow and you have a lot of acne (cystic or otherwise), dermaplaning is a gentle way to exfoliate your skin and reap some amazing benefits, including:


  • Smoother, more radiant skin
  • Softer fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reduced scarring
  • Removal of vellus hair (it won’t grow back darker or thicker)
Dermaplaning in Kelowna

Trying to decide between microdermabrasion and dermaplaning? 


If you have a big event coming up for which you don’t want your skin to be red and in the process of healing, or you have sensitive skin, recently had a chemical peel, a more invasive facial treatment, or are pregnant or nursing, dermaplaning is probably the better option.


Our laser skin technicians are always available to answer your questions and we welcome you to a complimentary skin analysis completed before you start any new skin regimen.


What Will It Feel Like?

You’ll feel the sensation of the blade crossing your skin, which is similar to the way shaving with a razor feels. You may also hear a whispering sound as the scalpel blade crosses the top layer of your skin. But you won’t feel any discomfort, and your skin will never be pierced.

What to expect

Dermaplaning is a painless and comfortable treatment which takes about 30-45 mins. Downtime is minimal, and hair will not grow back thicker or coarser but the same as before.


Full Face $200
Other Call for quote

Price is subject to 5% GST.

Conditions treated

Fine lines

Large pores


Blemished or acne-prone skin

Uneven or pigmented skin

Devitalized complexion that is dull, dry or flaky

Suitable for

All skin types

Areas treated


